WIP: Threat Approaching, Boss Battle Imminent….

I know, I'm still on the mecha kick, but this thing has no brakes. I started trying to make the original Jovian Chronicles Dragonstriker, a boss mecha from one of the two Mekton-era modules, but, as with other models, it has since morphed into an updated neo-version...

A Tower Mechanical…

Somewhere along the way I contracted extensive 40k fatigue, but with October coming along I felt the groove of grim darkness returning, and so made a bits box delve to make this tower. The top centre portion is large enough for snipers to sit comfortably in (well,...

Once Again to Space…..

Yes, the one on the left used to be a horrible pink. It was worth stripping and changing.  I've posted the other two before, and you might remember the mecha in the middle from a post a while back when it looked like this:  It's gone through a few changes, to be...

Army for Sale: Skaven Horde….

 Alas, it's time for the last of my WHF armies to go; farewell, my skittering hordes of vile ratmen. We had a blast, and I do mean a lot of blasts. The skaven were an army made to go sideways, and you got a laugh out of it every damn time.  A bunch of Black Tree...

Army for Sale: Skaven Horde….

Update!: Both this and my Undead Skaven army have been sold.   Alas, it's time for the last of my WHF armies to go; farewell, my skittering hordes of vile ratmen. We had a blast, and I do mean a lot of blasts. The skaven were an army made to go sideways, and you...