Ka’Pow Tau: Stealth Suits and Marker Drones

Ka’Pow Tau: Stealth Suits and Marker Drones

The MPB was actually intended to be a Tau project blog when it was launched. I was riding high on all the great work I had seen at ATT and wanted to be part of the conversation. I have no idea how many painters and players that site has inspired, but it is one my...
Ghost Warrior Test, Thanks So Much David Woods!

Ghost Warrior Test, Thanks So Much David Woods!

First and foremost, if you don't follow David Wood's blog, you need to. It is seriously my favorite Painter's Blog out there. It is just an awesome collection of beautifully executed futuristic soldiers and armor. I love that his collection is across multiple model...
Refresh: Wave Serpent 2

Refresh: Wave Serpent 2

Based off the success of the last one, and still feeling an urge to put off the stuff I should be working on, I gave this serpent a face lift as well. Not sure what happened to my before pic, but it looked almost identical to the one in the last post before its...
Refresh: Wave Serpent

Refresh: Wave Serpent

I was supposed to be working on these:But, and brace yourself because I am sure I am gonna shock the world, my wave serpents have been pretty clutch the last few games I have used them in. That being said, the paint job on the model was good, but I had a few ideas...
More Test Models: Storm Guardian and Dire Avenger

More Test Models: Storm Guardian and Dire Avenger

I have mentioned in earlier posts that I really need to just paint one miniature in a squad to completion before I feel good doing all the models. A lot of this is because I am constantly jumping around with ideas, and if I try to realize it over a number of models, I...