Reinforcements Arrive:  Warp Spiders

Reinforcements Arrive: Warp Spiders

Well, as you can guess if you follow my blog, I fell short of finishing these guys by the end of 2013. My sauce is weak and my shame is vast. Even still, I did finally get this unit completed with the addition of the last two, one trooper and and the exarch.I spent a...
Warp Spiders WIP

Warp Spiders WIP

Merry Christmas all. I finally finished three more Warp Spiders in the same scheme as my test model. So I am at 2/3 painted. My goal is to have the squad done by 2014! All I have left is one normal trooper and the exarch. Truth be told, I am not wild about this...
Warp Spider Test Model

Warp Spider Test Model

I suck at visualizing color schemes. Like, I am sure it is some kind of actual disability. When ever anyone tells me the colors they are thinking of, my mind immediately jumps to what ever professional sports team has said colors in their uniforms. If you tell me your...
Spirit Seeress

Spirit Seeress

Had a lot of fun with this one.Really simple conversion. Just the Everqueen with a staff and head swap. I really liked the idea of her being a Spirit Seer instead of a Farseer because of her bare feet. I like the image of her walking amidst the war torn terrain and...
Display Board

Display Board

With The Brawl closing in, one of the final things needed was a display board. Well I suppose it wasn't needed, but it is worth Appearance points, or a point, or something. I have never really made a display board before, so this would be my first foray into the...