

This extended weekend I had the extreme pleasure of playing two incredibly cool players, leading beautifully painted armies. Sadly, I only thought to snap pics of one, because I fail. While both Brian, and Magnus play different armies, it was cool because the spirit...
Illic Nightspear

Illic Nightspear

So, I kinda had no choice but to have this guy. He is a special character for Alaitoc, and the uber ranger at that. I fell in love with Alaitoc back in the days of the Ranger Disruption Table. And not because of the rules, though they sure didn't suck, but because I...

Objective Markers, Thanks Magnus Wood!

Quickie. Awhile back my buddy Magnus gave me some miscasts of some club objective markers he was selling. He cast them out of resin, but that is about all I know about where they came from. They have our game club logo, and look bad ass, so they got some paint. Can't...

Alaitoc Warlock

Finished up this warlock last night. He had been sitting around for awhile, as I got it when I got the Farseer I painted almost a year ago. I am not wild about the Finecast products, but I have heard they are getting better. There may be some truth to that, as the...

Alaitoc Farseer

From Stuff I Have Painted: Eldar/Dark EldarFrom Stuff I Have Painted: Eldar/Dark EldarJust a quick note. As I said in a earlier post, I needed to change it up from Dark Angels. So I started on this model I had lying around. I was surprised at how quickly this...