Reinforcements Arrive: Tactical Marine Combat Squad

Put the finishing touches on these five guys this morning and have already started work on the five remaining models in the squad. These guys are members of 5th Company, 2nd Tactical, better known (Only to me...) as Thrones of Fortitude.I have enjoyed working on my...

My Assault on Assault on Black Reach Complete!

Nothing says anti-climax like crap photography. Try as I might, I just couldn't get a good group pic with the lighting rig I have. Anyway, now is not a time for negativity, nay it is a time of joy! You see, I actually finished something I said I would do. Granted,...

TFM: My Assault on Assault on Black Reach Part 16

With this weekend's release of the rulebook, I figured it was only a matter of time before the starter set follows. If I am going to meet my goal, something seldom achieved in the flight-of-fancy, army de jour, painting lifestyle of mine, I needed to get after it. All...

WIP: Clanrats

Still cracking away at the clan rats. Doing a couple ranks this time. My intent is use every brown and most of the grays I have on these rats. I am just kind of grabbing handfuls and laying down the fur tone I want to work with at the moment. I didn't get as far as I...