Skaven Clanrats

Over the Memorial Day Weekend my younger brother and I decided to pick up the Island of Blood set and learn how to play Warhammer Fantasy Battle. My vitriol toward that product has diminished over time, although I will say, despite any information given by Games...

TFM: Radio Lab, A Little OT

Hey all! Just dropping a quick line to encourage some readers to have a listen to the most recent (At the time of me posting this.) offering from Radio Lab. I am huge fan of this Podcast anyway, but this episode discusses and has a lot of cool discourses on colors....

TFM: Fire Warrior Needs A Base

From still practicing_On Saturday I was hanging out at the park with my wife and kids. While my wife was following our toddler around, my son and I were hanging out a bench watching the bedlam that is play equipment at a public park. I noticed that the outfit my son...

TFM: My Assault on Assault on Black Reach Part 15

From Stuff I Have Painted: Space Marines From Stuff I Have Painted: Space MarinesWith these five marines in the bag, the tactical marine contingent of the Assault on Black Reach box set is complete. Here they are all together:From Stuff I Have Painted: Space...

New Digs

The MPB is going down. Well not for a month or so, however there will be no new content. I don't post frequently enough to justify my own blog so I have joined forces with my friend at his blog, still practicing_. If you follow me here, please follow me there as well....