Aww Shucks

Just a quick note. If you follow me here, and don't follow Ron at From the Warp, what the heck is wrong with you!? I kid...or do I, but check out the awesome article Ron wrote about saturation vs. desaturation, featuring the ork boyz from right here at the MPB!Thanks...

More Bad Moons WIP

From Mars' Project BlogLast week was busy in my non-hobby world, meaning slow within my hobby world. Even still, I was able to make some progress on the small batch of boyz I have been working on. Painting seven models at a time is seeming rather daunting, which...

Bad Moons Boyz Test Complete +

All in all, these three models weighed in about 6 hours. Not bad for my slow-painting ways. I would hope that that with practice I can get it down to less than 2 hours a model. The build on the black parts/pants went rally quickly, as I just highlighted it up with a...

Bad Moon Boyz Yellow

Getting pretty close to finishing this lot. Just the black areas left. I am not sure I am sold on the yellow, weird I know. I really like the color, but I may try working the tone something brighter and warmer. The real hurdle was whether or not I could pull off a...

Bad Moon Boyz Continued

Keeping on keeping on with the boyz. I upped the presence of metallics a little from my original base color. I am striving for more menace than comedy with my Ork horde. Between the severe shading and metallics it might give me a leg up in this attempt. I relied...