Bad Moon Boyz

This holiday season an amazing person, whose generosity is pretty much boundless, ended up hooking me up with a bunch of Orks. It came at an interesting time, as I have decided that this year I will focus all my efforts into painting a 2,000 point army. Of course I...

Alaitoc Warlock: Base Coat

I managed to get the base laid down on my warlock. This was no small task considering I had company all weekend AND got an X-Box with Kinnect yesterday. What I am, only like 10 years behind?I just blockied in some color to get an idea what the model is going to look...

Alaitoc Warlock: White Primer

I have, in the past, had strong feelings about white primer. I would often proclaim to any who would listen, "I would never use white primer unless I was painting a white army!" This was awhile ago, when it didn't seen utterly absurd to have strong feelings about...

Alaitoc Guardians Complete

From Stuff I Have Painted: Eldar/Dark EldarWell kind of. They are sans their warlock atm. This first half of the squad, which I already posted, came out like this:From Stuff I Have Painted: Eldar/Dark EldarFrom Stuff I Have Painted: Eldar/Dark EldarAs stated, I wasn't...

SSSWMB Compromised!

From Mars' Project BlogWe have been having a lot of fun with our Planetary Empires campaign, and if you follow Tallarn over at Still Practicing (Which you should!) you would see that he has been doing quite well. The crux of his success, he has hypothesized, is...