My X-Wing miniatures game projects.

On this page you will be able to link directly to any of my current Star Wars X wing miniatures game projects.  My Hoth Battle Board ProjectStar Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game X-wing Expansion UnboxingAs always thank you very much for visiting the site, if you have...

My Rainbow Warriors/Legio Spectra Project.

On this page you will be able to keep up with all posts i make that are to do with my Legio Spectra/ Rainbow Warriors Project, in order from oldest post to newest.1: Test scheme and initial ideas.2: Captain Lysander Finished3: Forge world Air defence platofrm...

New Project for X-Wing: Battle of Hoth

Hi guys, as you may already know, i recently purchased the X wing game by FFG and am a big fan of it. I have since decided i want to build my own board for this as its only played on a 3x3 board, as opposed to the usual 6x4 so this keeps work to a minimum already!A...

SciFiWargaming, My Week and I. Episode: 1

Scifiwargaming, My week and I.Episode: 1 Monday: all i managed to do was a little more on my lysander model, as i paint in the conservatory its damn cold this time of year and the washes take forever and a year to dry, so theres not a lot of prgress to show...

Showcase: Imperial Fists Razorback.

Imperial fists razorback Well guys, i have not much to show you on the WIP front today,  as i have been slack in productivity (due to me rebuilding the painting room) i thought i would show you an old piece of mine.I did this about a year ago when i was going to...