Fantasy Celebrity Wargamers: Fiona Erdmann.

Hi all, in another exciting edition of "Fantasy Celebrity Wargamers" we are going to pick Fiona Erdmann"Who the hell is she?" you may ask, and i would join you in asking such a question.Well apparently shes a German TV celebrity, although i use the term "Celebrity"...

Showcase: Imperial Guard Sentinel.

IMPERIAL GUARD SENTINELOk ok, so its yellow.. Reason being as i once started an Aliens Colonial Marines themed Imperial Guard force but did not get very far! (i have some guardsmen painted also....) This one i painted using lots of tips from Forge Worlds Model...

New Blog on the ScifiWargamers Blogroll.

Hi all, please welcome Heresy 30k to the Blogroll, you can see his blog HEREThis guys up to some awesome stuff, obbviously its pre heresy orientated but its amazing none the less!Check out this guys Pre Heresy Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnaught! Incredible!I will...

Showcase: Carcharodons Drop Pod Finished

Hi all, stop listening to your Justin Bieber CD and listen up!Heres a drop pod i finished last year some time. I have not put decals on as it was a test piece and didnt want to waste them, also there are imperial eagles stuck on by the previous owner right where i...

Tutorial: DIY Lightbox (super cheap and easy)

Hi all, Today i am going to show you how to make a DIY light box on the cheap! so put down your ipad2 and come have a go! I use mine to photograph all my finished miniatures, be it forge world tanks (you might need a bigger box!) the usual games workshop space marines...