Showcase: Necromunda Gangers

 Hey you guys stop looking at Lindsay Lohans playboy pictures for a moment and come and have a look see at this.A long time ago i was asked by a fellow ammobunker forum member to paint his Necromunda gang for him for a small fee. of course i obliged. i thought...

Showcase: Realm Of Battle Gameboard (DIY) Completed

Hi everyone, the DIY realm of battle gameboard was FINALLY finished a few weeks ago! time to rejoice indeed, now i can continue full steam ahead with the Rainbow Warriors/Legio Spectra ProjectIts taken me since boxing day 2011 i believe which is a LONG time indeed!I'm...

Priming your minatures, save money and get better results.

Hi all, While building my Rainbow warriors captain lysander, i decided used a different method of priming. I used to spend a LOT of money on primer for my miniatures, either buying GW's chaos black/Skull white or Halfords grey primer.These aerosols are not cheap at...

Join The SciFiWargamers Network!

The SciFiWargamers Network Becoming a part of the SciFiWargamers Blog Network is a great way to get more exposure for your Scifi/fantasy or just War game related blog. The most recent posts from the Network are displayed on The SciFiWargamers Network Blog roll for all...