Tactica: Space marines versus Necrons

Rpnightsend has written this awesome piece on facing Necrons with your space marines,I hope you find it usefull, my last fight against them didnt go well at all for me!"Space Marines and the New Necron CodexI’ve been playing against (and occasionally alongside) Necron...

Welcome to our new "Tactica" series.

Sci–fi wargamers tactica Blog Blog 1 – An Introduction Greetings Sci-fi wargamers, Explosivo111 here with the first of what hopefully will be many tactica blogs. This time I’m just going to introduce myself explain what I do with respect to wargaming and hopefully...

How to improve your painting in one step

 No, it's not paint Angron himself. Actually I'm willing to bet there are any number of things you could do to improve your painting, but this would be my top recommendation.Find something different to paint.That's right, paint something you don't normally paint....

Showcase: Minotaurs Space marine Terminator Librarian

 I think i finished this guy mid 2012, back when i was considering painting a whole minotaurs army!  i'm relatively happy with how he turned out. Theres a few positives and negatives in there i can work on.This was my first go at painting power weapon...

Showcase: Aliens movie themed Imperial Guard.

Hi guys, i did these guys a long time ago, when i toyed with the idea of doing a full army of them.I currently use them as proxy space marine scout models as i dont have any.... haha.Theres about 50 guys in total, some are smart gunners (i shall get updated pics for...