Operation Stonewall

A section of G. Troop 19th Lancers moves up in support of the 313th.."Well that could have gone down a lot worse." Thought Col. Sutherland, as he read through the after action report published by Group HQ.  It seems that the 313th caught the worst of the action,...

1st game in 7th (Preparations)

Sir, we've had several reports of aliens moving through the grids 45 and 46.  Unfortunately we haven't had regular patrols out that area for several weeks now due to a shortage of troopers.  Shall we send a squad out to investigate?  asked Lt. Wilbert...

Happy Holiday’s and a Guten Rütsch

I'll keep the words down, but we're in Wisconsin to visit the Parents over the Holidays.  I have to say though that I'm a bit disappointed, the weather in Germany is about the same as back here.  :(   I've been waiting all year for the "Frozen...

A year in review

I'll start with a review of my goals, and then move on to my view of the hobby in General.1. Blog Regularly.   I started the year strong with 4 - 5 posts a month, but after summer vacation this dropped to a measly twice per month.  This is a direct...
19th Scansin Lancers

19th Scansin Lancers

 Finished!  I finished up the bases and detailing over the weekend. Mostly it was doing the buckles and Aquila's on their kit.  The all got a Las-Pistol added but not all of them were able to get a chain-sword, due to a lack of supplies from the...