by Marshal Argos | Nov 2, 2014
Forge World Macharius VanquisherWell I'll be a monkeys uncle!I've been reading "WeeMen" for a while now, not always online, but it's on my list of RSS feeds. And I've always tried to "join" each of the blogs that I read of RSS. It just makes sense for me,...
by Marshal Argos | Oct 19, 2014
Lt. Carey leads the troopers of 1st team G Troop on the exercise field. Visibly noticeable is the lack of training that the 19th Scansin was able to perform with their mounts while traveling to the theater of war. Although the 19th spent more than the required...
by Marshal Argos | Oct 11, 2014
So I've been thinking 'bout this for a long time, and it's always bothered me a bit that the 19th Mynvody come from... well Mynvody. I'd like to trim up my fluff and I'm finding hard to write background on "x" different planets all located in or around the...
by Marshal Argos | Sep 17, 2014
Summer vacation was spent along coastline of the Adriatic Sea, and thankfully we had 2 days of bad weather so I was able to get a bit of painting done. Above you can see the 19th Mynvody getting a bit of attention. I've added a few bits for Curious Constructs to...
by Marshal Argos | Sep 13, 2014
Well seeing that we're 9 months in, I suppose I should a little update. (Zzzzz's post over at Devos IV) reminded me that this post was in my Drafts, along with a "Final Report" for December. So for those of you who missed it, here's the original post...