Campaign – Mordheim 2013 Week 6

The campaign at my FLGS is nearing the end. If you want to know more details about the campaign are available on their Facebook Page. This week I managed to continue my new tactic of cowardice and survival :) After losing so much of my warband in...

News – Inq28 goes official?

I read this yesterday. Very exciting stuff. Have a read and then I shall share my hopes for this:From Blood of Kittens:Warhammer 40k: Inquisition Inquisition is designed for 2-4 players and each side will use custom cards and dice. Army sizes consist of...

News – The Bolter and Chainsword Forum needs you!

The long running forum the Bolter and Chainsword has ran into some issues with their servers and are down until they can afford to replace them.This really is sad news as this forum has been a reliable hub for the Space Marine hobby community and recently they have...

Showcase – Angron by PaintMyBits

More work to show you all by my buddy Joel from PaintMyBits. I actually shared a WIP post some time ago but just received some Showcase pics of Angron the Red Angel, Primarch of the World Eaters to share. This was a commission piece for one of the regulars at the...

eBay – Blood Angels

My FLGS Promethean Games offer a trade in service for old and unloved models. To sell these old armies to the masses to be loved again they have setup an eBay store here. One such army that they have taken in to be resold is my converted Blood Angels army. This...