Campaign – Mordheim 2013 Week 4

The campaign at my FLGS  is thriving with the shop having moved into a larger unit and even talk of a custom board. Further details about the campaign are available on their Facebook Page. For now take a look at my PIP Warband and then my next...

PIP – Word Bearers Chaos Lord

My planned post for today covering the Mordheim campaign suffered some technical issues (rubbish photos..). Instead here is the progress on my Word Bearers Chaos Lord. Ignore some of the shiney bits these will be purged with a satin varnish at the end.Pictures like...

Showcase – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Chapter Champion

The Blood Angels are nearing the minimum 2 troops and HQ I need to be able to use them on the Tabletop in a painted state. For the time being (read until I get a Praetor to hack up and convert) this guy will be my HQ.The conversion is relatively simple as it is mainly...

eBay – Grey Knights Army

This army has been kicking my cupboard for awhile now and it is time to say goodbye. Therefore they are available on eBay here. They list came in first place at 40konline2012 and I won best painted as well.Grand MasterTerminators/PaladinsStrike Squad 1Strike Squad 1's...

PIP – Word Bearers Chaos Lord

I have actually made some progress with the Word Bearers. After putting together the Chaos Lord my passion for the project has really kicked in. There is still a lot of work to be done and now I have some photos I am noticing a lot of areas that need fixing but he is...