eBay – Chaos Space Marines

I have some older models up for sale here. These were a Khornate army under the 5th ed Codex. The one two punch from the 2 Chaos Lords with Blood Feeders (Daemon Weapons giving 2d6 Attacks on top of you base stat). One of my good friends used this list to brutal...

Campaign – Mordheim 2013 Week 3

The campaign at my FLGS continues. A huge number of games have been played and further details are available on their Facebook Page. My own games however, appear to be showing my n00b status at the game. Four games in and I had to reboot the warband haha so I have...

Showcase – Imperial Fists

Joel from Paintmybits has been working on some Imperial Fists recently. With a Tactical Squad, Rhino, Kantor (above) and some Cataphractii all finished. Lets take a look.If you love the look of these guys you may be happy to hear that these guys will be...

WIP – Word Bearer Chaos Lord Green Stuff Work

A quick post today. While I was working on the GS fur for my Mordheim warband I thought I would add some to this model. I feel it adds a further barbarism to him which suits the Legion.- Martok

WIP – Marienburg Mordheim Warband

As mentioned in a post last week I am taking part in a Mordheim campaign at the FLGS using a warband from Marienburg. The theme will be a group of disgraced Night Watchmen; implicated in smuggling, who fled Marineburg before their former colleagues could arrest...