Campaign – Mordheim Marienburg Warband

The FLGS has started a Mordheim campaign. A game I have seen played and been aware of for a very long time but as yet had never played.This all changed on Wednesday when I grabbed some square basers and put together my warband. I chose Marienburg for the extra Gold...

WIP – Word Bearers Conversions

I have been trying to push the boat out on the Word Bearers Conversions. Above is the finalized version of my Chaos Lord although I may consider adding a Trophy Rack to his backpack as no self respecting Chaos Warlord can go without a few loyalists skulls about his...

WIP – Word Bearers Chaos Lord

Quick post today jsut to show what I have been working on this weekend. Above you can see the current state of my Chaos Lord for the Word Bearers army I am working on. Below is a First draft as it were while I played around with some alternative parts. Oddly, i bought...

News – BattleUX Second Visit

I spent the bank holiday Monday visiting some friends at BattleUX (Uxbridge Gaming Club). There were some great games going on during the day including a demo of Dropzone Commander (a game I have been quite intrigued by). I just have to share this pic of a...

Lore – The Eldar of Eldanesh

I am working on some fluff for an Eldar martial order that outdates the Fall of the Eldar and the Aspects laid down by Asuryan. Due to this I have been reading up on every scrap of Eldar fluff I can get my hands on. Read on for what I have thus far.Originally I had...