WIP – MOAR Horus Heresy Blood Angels

Not much content at the moment as I am working to get my Horus Heresy Blood Angels up to a playable state (2 troops and HQ).Above you can see five extra marines for the second combat squad of tactical squad one and then ten assault marines who will be my second troops...

PIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are nearly there. The pigments and Oil washes are done except for the black oil wash... need to get some black oil paint first. Of course I should also go back and do some work on the power weapons as the blends are pretty messy still.I...

Battle Report – Necrons vs Chaos Space Marines (Nurgle)

Myself and Lucif3r from Codex of War had a game on Wednesday where I was trying out my new list seen here and his first CSM list with the new codex which he has been developing on the  Papa Nurgle forum here.Now I am a bad record keeper so this will be a run...

PIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought

My first Horus Heresy Blood angels Contemptor is well on his way to being finished. The Airbrush work is done and 99.9% of the brush work is done. I am going to go back in and try to highlight the gold sections with some Advice from my buddy Joel to use a silver with...

Army Lists – Necron 1750 Redesign

When I built my Necron army it was designed from the gound up to work with the comp rules for Bristol Vanguard's Vanquish tournament.The tournament was last month and I am now looking at removing the comp and adding some teeth back in. See the list after the jump...