News – Tablescapes Kickstarter by Secret Weapon Miniatures

Kickstarter is always full of great projects and wargaming is more and more common on the crowd funding site. When Secret Weapon Miniatures (a particular favorite, supplier of mine) announced their Kickstarter I knew it would be worthwhile."Secret...

PIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought

Happy Bank Holiday to the Brits today! As it is a public holiday here today this shall be a short post showing off my progress on the Horus Heresy Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought.He is actually pretty close to finished. I need to do some highlights and finish the...

Hobby – Resin Casting

I have been trying my hand at messing with silicone. It's messy and a lot of fun. However, you really need to plan ahead. This post I shall go over my resin casting experience and what I will be doing differently. I forgot to take any pics while working with the...

PIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels

The Blood Angels are still on the workbench. These guys are entering the home stretch now all that I have left to do are oil washes and then pigments and they will be ready for play.The pics were taken while the varnish was dry which has made them look a bit shiney.....

Tale of X Gamers – Eldar

The FLGS has organised a Tale of X Gamers as a motivational to the regulars to get a new army going. The target is to run this for 5 months with a campaign at the end to celebrate. The rules for this are pretty loose, no actual points values per month or monetary...