Showcase – Imperial Fists Contemptor Dreadnought

My buddy Joel is at it again. His next eBay piece is up for sale this time an Imperial Fists Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (<- That is a mouth full).As you can see he has as usual gone to town with this thing. The basing is top class as expected the weathering...

WIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels

  Myself and a group of other gamers from the FLGS are starting a Tale of X Gamers motivational army challenge as of the 1/5/13. I shall be explaining this further on Monday (which will sort of be the unofficial starting date) but I had...

Showcase – Necron Doom Scythe

I only have a couple more models in this Necron Army Showcase to cover and we are still in the Heavy Support section. This time I am showing you all the Necron Doom Scythe.Rules wise this guy is massively overrated and as with most flyers the rise of Interceptor means...

Showcase – Necron Annihilation Barges

The Necron army Showcase continues!!! This time a two for one with both of the Annihilation Barges.These took quite a bit of work... and if you notice I still haven't highlighted the cabling (need to do that on all the vehicles actually). The actual OSL went...

Showcase – Necron Ghost Ark

Now the Necron Army Showcase gets to the vehicles. First up we have the Ghost Ark. This thing can eat a lot of firepower and still get my Warriors where they need to be.I converted this model by removing the pilot (robots piloting robots makes no sense at...