WIP – Batch Painting Horus Heresy Blood Angels

WIP – Batch Painting Horus Heresy Blood Angels

I am trying to get this batch of Blood Angels done and dusted before starting to throw paint on the Minotaurs. I have all the airbrush stages done now with a satin varnish on to protect it. Next up I shall block out the non red areas then base coats for metallics etc...
WIP – Minotaur Centurions

WIP – Minotaur Centurions

I finally cracked open the Centurion box to build the unit for my Minotaur army. It appears the kit was designed to fit specific poses very well but this does not lead to easy reposing.After considering a full reposing of the models and all the cuts I would need to...
News – Bristol Vanguard announce Vanquish 2014

News – Bristol Vanguard announce Vanquish 2014

Last year myself and a number of friends from Promethean Games went to Bristol to join the Vanguard clubs annual Vanquish tournament. We had such an awesome time playing on their beautifully made tables that we were itching for them to announce Vanquish 2014....
WIP – Minotaur Terminators

WIP – Minotaur Terminators

The unit is finally ready for paint. The hammers and shields will be finished alongside all the other weapons in the army (bolters etc) at a later date.The Sergeant. I did consider casting Asterion's crest but in the end felt that as this guy is not the Chapter Master...