Mordheim Table – Building the board

Mordheim Table – Building the board

After our FLGSs last Mordheim campaign we decided the terrain need to be worked on. Rather than just patching up a few buildings we decided to jump in and make a full board. At this point we are working on a 4'x4' board and then build another so the two can be used...
Warmahordes – Warmachine Vengeance out March 2014

Warmahordes – Warmachine Vengeance out March 2014

 A new chapter of the Warmachine saga has been announced. Bringing new casters as well as Epic versions of old ones, this will give us a number of new options for tactics and list building.Privateer Press say:WE WILL HAVE OURS.The nations of Khador and Cygnar are...
eBay – Painted Necron Army

eBay – Painted Necron Army

My Necron Army painted as the Sautekh Dynasty are now up on eBay. Each unit is being auctioned individually here. If you would like a better look at each unit I ran some Showcase posts for this army awhile back which can be seen here. First up is the Destroyer Lord...
Workbench – This Weekends Activity

Workbench – This Weekends Activity

Actual hobby progress has been light this weekend. This is due to having been working on moulds for the hammers I showed off last week. The above will be my Minotaur Terminator Sergeants hammer... its epic. However, I have been wrestling with some quality issues and...