WIP – Minotaur Thunder Hammer Cast

WIP – Minotaur Thunder Hammer Cast

I have had a battle with the mould for this during the week. Two moulds later and I am finally casting. Still some tidy up needed and maybe a few alterations to the mould but as I only need 5 it isn't too much hassle.It seems bigger now... I am considering a double...
WIP – Minotaur Thunder Hammer

WIP – Minotaur Thunder Hammer

My Minotuars army will have a Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield equipped squad of Terminators. These guys will be Asterion Moloc's personal bodyguard and as such I wanted them to be absolute beasts. They needed to be bigger and meaner than your regular Terminator.One of...
eBay – Carcharodons

eBay – Carcharodons

A friend picked up a Carcharodon army awhile back and is now auctioning it here. I thought I should share it with you all as there are some absolute bargains still up for the taking. After the jump see my selection of the best models.Good luck with the auction to...
WIP – Detailing the Refinery Terrain

WIP – Detailing the Refinery Terrain

Finally I have broken the back of this beast. After fighting with different ideas for the smoke stack sockets I ended up adding plasticard trim, this was then attached with a mix of superglue and plastic glue. It is now rock solid.I had been waiting on a supply drop...
WIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Praetor

WIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Praetor

I have been working really hard on this model to try and distinguish it from the original sculpt. Recently I started the GS work on the cape which has been quite the mission to get through. First time trying something like it and there were some complex lines to try...