Armies on Parade 2014 – Minotaurs

Armies on Parade 2014 – Minotaurs

I am planning on trying my hand at an Armies on Parade entry for next year. The idea is based around the epic Space Battle during the Badab War where the Minotaurs chapter almost annihilated the Lamenters.The actual display will be a hanger bay on board the Lamenters...
WIP – Minotaurs Assault Terminator

WIP – Minotaurs Assault Terminator

 I have started work on a mock up for my Minotaurs Assault Marines. At this point everything is just tacked together with parts still to clean and modelling work still to go. However, as a proof of concept this guy is about right.A bit of a kit bash with parts...
WIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Praetor

WIP – Horus Heresy Blood Angels Praetor

I have been working on my Horus Heresy Blood Angels again. This time taking a crack at the wonderful Praetor model from Forge World.I have made a bit of a kit bash here using parts from the Death Company box, Forge Worlds command squad squad and the axe is from Sevrin...
WIP – Refinery Terrain

WIP – Refinery Terrain

A rare feature today. i have been working on terrain! I have had some bits and pieces stashed away for terrain and I finally took the plunge and started throwing them together. I thought I would start brave and try to build something big. My thinking on this is that I...