by Marts Warhammer | Dec 7, 2015
Hi Double post today... I feel like I didn't really put a final post up about on the Opening a Gaming a Store series I made. Once I actually opened I pretty much just moved over to facebook where I effectively ran the social media side of things. Let me start off by...
by Marts Warhammer | Dec 7, 2015
Hi Sometimes it takes doing something different and coming back again to make you realise how good something is. On Saturday I played my good friend Rich at Infinity. As I have been playing lots of different systems over the last 6/7 months I think i have forgotten...
by Marts Warhammer | Dec 3, 2015
Hi This is a slightly frustrated update... But also to point out what a really good night of gaming i had with three of my friends last night. I have a group of vet gamer's now of varying ages and last night Zak was hosting.... A vet of my era... Well maybe a couple...
by Marts Warhammer | Nov 29, 2015
Hi It's been a while since i used blogger as I seemed to naturally move onto Facebook for my hobby logging etc. Well i think im sick of seeing people's Christmas trees going up in November and people telling Jeremy Corbyn is great for this country. I want to go back...
by Marts Warhammer | Feb 6, 2015
Hi Well i am way behind!! To many reasons, but so much work. I never wanted to rush this project open so I havent. I maybe made a mistake choosing Infinity as my main focus as the terrain is a royal pain to paint. But I think when done the system will sell itself and...