Infinity the Game! Zerat Hacker… you guessed it… DONE

Hi Next out of the workshop ;) is my Zerat Hacker, apologies for the small photo. Im going to re-take some pictures for the gallery section at some point with a better camera. I had a real struggle painting this one, couldnt get the hair right (im still not sure it...

More Painted Stuff! Oznat, Engineers – DONE!

Word My painting mojo has burst a pipe and I just cant get enough! I'm now really enjoying painting the Infinity miniatures. They do provide a challenge as the scale is actually different to GW 28mm. All the details are really fine, small and twiddly. It can actually...

Sogarat…. DONE

Got this guy done today... Pretty pleased overall, but I had a frosting issue with the varnish. Managed to fix it, but some areas are a little flatter than should be!

Progress… Caaa-nt stooopp Buuying Minis…

Not a lot of paint work, Im still trying to figure out how to use my Infinity Morat Sectorial force. Alot of the strength in this force is the physical and close combat area. Its hard to get your models up and close in the system, but what these guys lack in fancy...