by Matthew Davies | Feb 12, 2017
The top warriors of the Thousand Sons, the Scarab occult are the elite terminator guard of Magnus the red. But how do they stack up in the tabletop?Let's start by comparing them to vanilla Chaos terminators. Starting at a hefty 250 points for 5, they are 100 points...
by Matthew Davies | Jan 31, 2017
It's a bit later in the month than planned (hours to spare as I post this) but here's this month's update. Today's letter is the letter 't', for tanks and terminators.With a big 4v4 game next month, I've been spending this month getting my sekhmet ready. No...
by Matthew Davies | Jan 15, 2017
The crimson king approaches! An amazing model which not many people expected to see in 40k, the first daemon primarch makes for a fantastic centrepiece.With such an impressive, intricate model, I decided to largely follow the warhammer TV guide for painting the model....
by Matthew Davies | Dec 24, 2016
With Christmas tomorrow and with 2016 nearly over, there's still a bit of time to squeeze an update in.Most of this month has been taken up by terminators, and lots of them. Including new kits and old repair jobs, im up to about 20 terminators. Having tested out the...
by Matthew Davies | Dec 12, 2016
If you're a lifelong Thousand Sons player like myself, you'll agree that it's been so long since our bodiless automatons received any attention model-wise. With just over a week to digest the goodness, I'm about ready to give my thoughts on War zone Fenris: Wrath of...