WIP: Refurbished Thousand Sons (Next 200 points)

This weekend saw me trial the first 600 points of my refurbished models in a game against the might of the Tau Empire. A close battle, which saw a 6-4 victory for the Sons. The game highlighted a few weak-points in the army thus far: numbers and anti-armour....

Showcse: Thousand Sons Revisit, First 600 Points

This year I've decided to roll out a new colour scheme for the army: one I've trailed before on newer models (such as my possessed). Today's post showcases the first 600 points, and is what I plan to start using at a local campaign event at our new GW...

WIP: Idolator MKII (Part 2)

The Idolator MKII is the result of experimentation, canibalisation of machine spirits, and complete disregard of the teachings of Mars.Each Idolator starts off as a Leman Russ, Chimera, or similarly-sized Imperial vehicle. The armour plating is removed and replaced...

Reivew: Blood and Skulls Industry Double Sponsons Beta

Many of the tanks in 40k are armed with sponson mounted secondary (sometimes primary) weapons. It's important to house them in something strong, both in-game and in the real world. As lovely as Forge World Deimos weapons are, they are fragile. So here's a nice third...

WIP: Idolator MkII (Vindicator count-as)

The Idolator came about after a shortage of Vindicators and other siege engines during the conquest of the planet Folux V, by a number of Tzeentchian war bands.  The planet was a heavily fortified forge-world, and a number of the attack craft, many carrying...