Workshop Datalogs: January 2016

A new year is upon us, and already the plastic factory is running at full blast. Today's update features missiles, heresy and super-heavies.With a distinct lack of AA in my list, as well as heavier weapons, I've decided to strike two Storm Talons with one stone, and...

WIP: MKIII Thousand Sons Upgrade

A new years is a great time for new starts. Whilst I don't really want to start yet another army, I would like to update my main one; the Thousand Sons. Some of my more recent works have sported a new yellow-blue split scheme, so I've gone back to a few of my older...

2015: A Year In Review (Top 10 Posts)

Another year over, another one to look forward to. Before we move on to our top 10 posts I'd just like to say I've had a crazy year full of change, but I want to thank you all for continuing to support this blog, and I hope you'll enjoy what I have planned this year....

Review: Betrayal at Calth Boxset 2/2 (The game)

Last time, on Power Armoured Metal...We had a look at the Betrayal at Calth boxset, looking in great detail at the contents. Today, I've had a go at the game, and have a few thoughts on how it plays, and how much fun I'd have. The game that comes with the set is...

Review: Betrayal at Calth Boxset 2/2 (The game)

Last time, on Power Armoured Metal...We had a look at the Betrayal at Calth boxset, looking in great detail at the contents. Today, I've had a go at the game, and have a few thoughts on how it plays, and how much fun I'd have. The game that comes with the set is...