WIP: Dark Skitarii Mantiple (Part One)

The Mechanicum has always been a fascinating army to me. They come across as the anti-hero: an organisation which will help humanity, but only if it supports their own hidden agenda. And then there's the Dark Mechanicum, a splinter group who have removed the shackles...

Review: Horus Heresy Drop Assault For Android

With Games Workshop pumping out a constant stream of mobile games these days, I thought it would be good to sample one; and what better one to try out than a free one.Horus Heresy: Drop Assault is a game available for ios and Android devices, and is a free-to-play...

WIP: Chaos Fire Raptor Redo (Part One)

A few years ago, I bought a second Storm Raven kit, with the intentions of building it into  Fire Raptor gunship: a unit which has recently been given new (and official) rules in Imperial Armour Thirteen. However, after a number of failed attempts to make it look...

Review: Mechanicum Skitarii Boxset

Once in a blue moon, GW comes along and gives us something new. For the first time, the Skitarii are a full-blown codex force, with several plastic kits and a hardback book. Today, I'm cracking open a box of their core troops, a Skitarii boxset.A box of Skitarii will...

Tutorial: How To Make A Simple Viewing Port

A tank may have inches thick armour, cannons that would make even the largest bunker crumble, and the speed to evade incoming fire with ease, but all of these features are useless if the driver can't see out of the damn thing. Today's post will show you budding...