Review: Raging Heroes Skaarlys

Review: Raging Heroes Skaarlys

Today’s review sees one of Raging Heroes’ many character models go under this wargamer’s microscope. Skaarlys, a sci-fi version of Raging Heroes’ Skaryaa the Blood Mistress, is a great alternative model for Dark elder players, perhaps as a Succubus or Lady Malys With...
Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Seven

Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Seven

The idiotic beast just stared back at me though green tinted lenses, dumbfounded at what I demanded. I wasn’t sure if it was all the chems running through its body or its natural stupidity, but in either case, I had to make it more obvious. I pointed at an enemy...
Events: Wartorn UK 2014: Post-Event Update

Events: Wartorn UK 2014: Post-Event Update

Everyone loves trade shows and events. Nerds across the country have a place to convene and discuss their favourite pastime, and spend a bit of money on cool stuff and second hand bargains at the same time. This year’s Wartorn UK show was one of the best they have...
Review: Terrakami Games SF Cargo Boxes

Review: Terrakami Games SF Cargo Boxes

Even the smallest pieces of terrain can make a difference on the table-top. Like their larger counterparts, small bits of terrain can add that little bit of detail to anybody’s game. Today, I’m looking at another Terrakami Games product, a set of SF Cargo Boxes...
Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Six

Rise of Xaphan: Vraks Army Redo Part Six

The massed traitors of Vraks are joined today by some new troopers, including gods amongst men: space marines. But not all is as it seems…Troops choice number two, the Workers Rabble, is slowly underway. Even though it’s nowhere near minimum strength, I’ve made a...