WIP: Tzeentch Possessed

WIP: Tzeentch Possessed

Today I’m resurrecting an old project from earlier on in the year: a squad of possessed. I only plan to focus on the first five guys for now, but I will start the rest of them at some point.The models are based off some Warriors of Chaos Forsaken, with some Space...
Showcase: Chaos Vindicator

Showcase: Chaos Vindicator

'Guns of blue, yellow and fire, Come forth from Hell, warriors of a liar-Sons a thousand, souls of hate. Governor of Primus, this is your fate...-Prophecy of the seer Diadus Ormedes, Excecuted M39.888.12My siege tank, the Deimos/Lucius pattern Vindicator is now...
Product Test: Tamiya Weathering Stick Vs. AK  Dust Effects

Product Test: Tamiya Weathering Stick Vs. AK Dust Effects

Weathering is one of many ways to make 40k models look more realistic. I’m always looking for new techniques and products, and today I’m doing just that with a product head-to-head challenge. In the red corner is my most used method: The Tamiya Weathering Stick....
Showcase: Bolt Action Waffen SS

Showcase: Bolt Action Waffen SS

The next section of my new (ish) bolt action army is now complete: the elite Waffen SS. Here I have divided the SS into a nine man squad and a two man command team (I wanted to make use of all 11 models I received).This squad was very different to paint than the...