Thoughts on: Index Chaos

With 8th here, I now need to think about how my army will now play, what I can get for my points, and what combos I might wish to try.The chaos index is an essential for the new edition, but the beauty of it is every non-forgeworld unit is in it, marine, daemon and...

8th Edition Early Observations

With 8th only a few weeks away, it's time for me to think about how my army will work. My local GW had all the index books, and the main rule books, to have a look at before ordering. I only had a quick read of the books and one observation of a practice game between...

Iron painter challenge: live

Good morning folks! The 12 hour Iron painted challenge has begun. Check back throught the day for live updates.8:30. Go!10:50. Most of the boxes are built, and one contestant is already painting!12:20 painting has begin! Most of the forces are built, and some players...

Iron Painter Challenge: The Preparation

This Saturday sees me and nine other local gamer take on the Iron Painter challenge: 12 hours of non-stop building and painting. Today's post details my plan, and what you can all expect.Each contestant has to choose a Getting Started box set. I've chosen to go for...

Workshop Datalogs: April 2017

April has been a fun month, and with a far improved workbench setup I've been motivated to actually work on something.I ordered a couple of paint racks, which have massively freed up space on my desk. Most of the paints i had sidnt fit on the existing racks I had, and...