by Matthew Davies | Apr 9, 2017
Shadow Wars (AKA Necromunda 2.0) has already flown off the shelves, and with near instant popularity and interest I thought I'd throw my power helmet into the ring, with my own kill team. But with a twist.Whilst this warband is a Chaos Marine team, I've decided to...
by Matthew Davies | Mar 25, 2017
Evil Craft is a great choice for semi-true scale, highly detailed alternative models and parts for Chaos Space Marines. They may only make parts for the spike cousins of the Imperium, but they do it well. Today, I'm checking out their Veteran squads.The parts from...
by Matthew Davies | Mar 22, 2017
It had to happen again. But this time I'm doing it properly. The original Fellblade project was a ton of fun, but I sold the tank a while ago. The sons have been crying out for a big tank again, and with better resources (aka money) I thought I'd have another crack at...
by Matthew Davies | Mar 12, 2017
As many people would argue, the pig-snouted Taurox looks much, much better with wheels instead of track units, and I agree. There as a number of sets rolling around, but a stand-out provider is Blood and Skulls industry. Having tried out the original 6x6...
by Matthew Davies | Feb 26, 2017
Last week saw a bunch of players in the Scarborough area attempt an 8000pt 4v4 event at the local gw. Each team had to control the bridge by turn 5. The chaos teams were fortunate in that we had a lot of fast or mounted units. The imperials did have two knights and a...