StuG of the Dump

I have been a bit ill over the last few days and in between moping around all achey and feeling sorry for myself I have found the time to finally unlock a tier five Tank in World of Tanks and it’s a StuG! Oh Yeah! I’m loving it so far although I seem to get more...

Blood Angels vs Tyranids 750 points.

Popped down to Gloucester GW yesterday and had a quick game of 40k with a nice chap (can’t remember his name sorry but I’m rubbish with names) I brought 750 points of Blood Angels. The army list I was intending on using for the Cities of Death League next month. He...

Some Work in Progress

A few shots of what is cluttering up my desk (or shit pit as my GF calls it). My new Librarian, not quite ready to lead the Blood Angels into victory in the Cities of Death Campaign yet.   My Venerable Dreadnought, not the amount of dust gathering on him. I...

Cites of Death Campaign pt 3

  Well I have built my Manufactorum and I am quite pleased with the result. If I get a chance I will be adding some detritus to the base before the campaign starts but this also depends on available funds.   Should look quite good when it’s painted up, need...