Edinburgh League of Gamers

Edinburgh League of Gamers

Just some photos taken at my gaming haunt, the Edinburgh League of Gamers, great terrain and boards to fight future battles over. Haven't had a chance to play my Grey Knights recently wot with the new codex release, but enjoy the pictures!
R.I.P. Grandmaster Mordrak

R.I.P. Grandmaster Mordrak

Alas, poor Mordrak! I knew him, Huron; a fellow of infinite ghosts. Of most precise deepstriking; he hath borne me on his Geller Field a thousand times; and now how abhorred in my imagination it it! My army list rims at it. Here hung that daemonhammer that I have...
Dreadknight Delight

Dreadknight Delight

Good news! New grey Knight codex in a week or so, updated in-line with 7th edition 40K! Bad news! My codex has been gutted, from losing Inquisition (not a problem, there's always the e-dex), to losing my favourite units (of which mordrak and thawn are gone, as...
Are You Jokearo-ing?

Are You Jokearo-ing?

Towards the end days of 6th edition I had been experimenting with elements of the now-aging Grey Knight Codex that attracts ridicule and respect alike, the Jokaero Weaponsmiths! I'm a big fan of these little guys and normally run them in squads of 2 to plug a gap in...