Unit Review: Grand Master & Brother-Captain

Xethik here with the first part of a new series based on reviewing the units in the Grey Knights codex. The goal here is to give an idea of when you would want to take him from a gaming stand-point and how to gear him if you were to.Before I begin, I feel that it is...

Follow-Up to Wound Allocation, Part 2

Hey everyone. There were some comments concerning my post yesterday and I decided that I would do another, quick, post to wrap things up rather than try to fit them in the comments section. I hope no one minds.I'm going to start by quoting myself from the comments...

Wound Allocation, Part 2: Using it to your Advantage

Hey there, Xethik with part two of three of the wound allocation series. In this part I'm going to hopefully show you how to use wound allocation to your own advantage, given different scenarios and keeping different things in mind. To start, we'll take the same...

FAQ Rundowns

Hey everyone, Xethik here with some FAQ overviews. Please note that these are my opinions, and are not more "correct" or worth more than anyone elses. You can kind the new Grey Knight FAQ here and the new rulebook FAQ here. The quotes will be in italics.ERRATAPage 87...

Grey Knight FAQ Released

Hey everyone, Xethik here with some news. The Grey Knight FAQ was released this morning, which can be viewed here:http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m1830601a_Grey_Knights_v1_0.pdfI don't have time to look at it myself right this moment, but I...