Sunday Wrap Up

I like the thought of having a look back at what I've seen and done during the week in a total wrap up style. In some parts of the world it's not Sunday yet, but right here in my little neck of Australia it's well into Sunday and I can't wait for the rest of the world...

Trimming the base.

After the last post, I started the reworking by marking out the area that was going to be trimmed away from the existing project, which also included a section of the scenery where I want to try something a little different to the original idea.Note that I don't...

Reviving old projects.

I honestly don't know how many unfinished scenery projects that I have laying around, but one in particular recently caught my eye again as I was going through some old photos. So I've decided to revisit the old project.This is one of the photos from the original...
A 5 years old’s view of 40K.

A 5 years old’s view of 40K.

So you've all seen the posts in the past about my little girl and her growing enthusiasm for Warhammer 40K and in particular Space Marines. However one Space Marine has caught her attention more than any other. Captain Titus.This afternoon I thought I'd show her the...

What’s in a name.

We all have named characters in the game that, for whatever reason, we relate to and they hold a special place in our gaming psyche. For me it's Mephiston. For I am Mephiston, Lord of Death (insert hysterical laughter here and the ridicule of my children).Now I'm not...