Games Day Chicago 2012 is Here!

Well it's that time of year everyone....Games Day! I will be flying out early Friday morning with my buddy Jawaballs. Unfortunately our other friend Fritz will not be flying with us this year, BUT he will be driving there (along with his wife). Total dedication man!...

Been a very very long time!

It's been almost a whole year since I wrote last....holy crap!Well, I guess that's what happens when you fall out of gaming and painting for awhile. I pretty much hit a slump as I really wasn't into the gaming and painting anymore for a long time. I was so busy with...

Current WIP

So I got the opportunity to buy a Tau army from a friend and have been thinking of a color scheme to paint the army. Originally, I bought the army as part of a commission, but after discussing and (almost) finalizing the army, the client backed out....what the heck!...

Golden Demon Entry voting and Games Day

I decided to throw up my mini's picture on CMON and wanted to see what vote score it would get. So far it's only gotten about 42 votes or so. If you'd like, please click HERE to go to the voting page and vote for my mini and score it what you think it should be. There...

Games Day 2011 Chicago

So the official Games Workshop website has been updated with all the winning entries from this year's Golden Demon competition. The website is HERE.My one and only entry this year was in the 40K Large Monster category where I placed second behind and amazing GK...