Death Guard Sternguard Conversions

Death Guard Sternguard Conversions

Hello everyone!  Cadaver here from Home Of CadaverBack in the day when I was using Death Guard marines as regular Space Marines I did some conversions to make a Sternguard unit. I wanted them to be different from the rest of my pre-heresy marines but...
Imperial Fists Centurions WIP

Imperial Fists Centurions WIP

Hello everybody!It has been such a roller-coaster ride the past and some renovation work done in my house kept me away from anything hobby related. But this is about to change as I am preparing myself for yet another tournament in a couple of weeks.The...
Too Furious! Blood Angels Fusioso Dread

Too Furious! Blood Angels Fusioso Dread

Hello there, Cadaver here from Home Of Cadaver and this time I would like to share with you a golden oldie of mine, my Blood Angels Furioso Dreadnought. This was a commission piece and unfortunately I don't have it with me anymore but I still love this...
Sergeant Torias Telion ~ The Imperial Fists Version

Sergeant Torias Telion ~ The Imperial Fists Version

Hello everyone once again!  Cadaver here from Home of Cadaver and I am presenting you another painted model, this time, Sergeant Torias Telion. I painted quite a long time ago for my Imperial Fists army. No major conversion work done here, mostly because I...
Velerefontis, a new project

Velerefontis, a new project

Hello to everyoneAfter a long time I am able to get my free time together and pick up my brushes and glues again! There are literally (well not exactly but you get the idea! :P ) a ton of things waiting to be finished in my desks (see my last project of Karl Franz to...