Death Guard Tactical squad Faestus

Hello everybody!The people over in Greek Warhammer Forum had this sweet idea of making a contest based on an ancient White Dwarf series of articles, The tale of X gamers. To make a long story short, gamers gather and pledge to build an army on either Warhammer or...

Nurgle Rhino, who said paper tanks can’t be sexy?!

Heya all! As far as you can see I am getting my hands very dirty the past 2 weeks getting prepared for the tournament this Sunday! I had some changes in my Chaos Army list, so I had to build myself a Rhino for my Nurgle Chaos Marines (thats right, I didn't say...

Nurgle Rhino WIP and some happy dancing!

First of all I would like to thank you all once again for all your kind words about my Nurgle Helldrake! That kind of feedback is what drives me to continue building stuff! Having that in mind and the Tournament I want to take part in on Sunday, I decided to...

HELL(drake)… it was about time!

And yes... my first painted model for such a long time its a reality at last!! I can't believe how much I have missed painting, so much that I finished this monstrosity in less than 2 days...I present you, my version of the Chaos HelldrakeSo much to say about this...

Kill it!! Kill it with fire!!

Has it ever happened to you, having a unit from your codex that you absolutely love but on the other hand you hate the model that is available for it? Well thats exactly what happened to me with the Helldrake unit from the latest Chaos dex, I totally despise the...