Small feedback update!

Hello!I don't usually post things about the feedback I get from my painted minis, but I must add this tidbit of information as this is a dream came true for me. I managed to get one of my minis the Caestus Assault Ram to the top miniatures submitted in CoolMiniOrNot...

Imperial Fists Caestus Assault Ram

Hello to everyone!As promised I have been busy lately, and although everybody near me prefer to doze off in some beach these days, I just have this urge to finish off as many things possible for my Imperial Fists army. I have been so excited about this model ever...

Imperial Fists Stormtalon

Hello to everyone!So here I am, getting dynamically back on track, rebuilding my Imperial Fists force (or rather adding more choices to my existing army) since all this 6th edition goodness came out! I must say that I am quite excited about the new ed. Although not...

CoolMiniOrNot Annual 2011 invitation

Hello there!I know I haven't been an active blogger lately but I decided to make this post to prove that I am here and I am actually keeping in touch with my wargaming stuff.Soo... I recently got my invitation for the CoolMiniOrNot 2011 annual, which really got me...

Captain Nathaniel Garro finished

Long time no see everybody! Got my brushes going again and I'm back on track hopefully after a long painting break.I will try to paint as much as I can although the rate is going to be definitely lower due to changes in my everyday schedule.Anyways, here is my latest...