by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Jul 8, 2014
So, why haven't you bought some raffle tickets for charity to try and win the Battle for Macragge - Blood and Honor Ultramarine/Knight army?Because IT'S AWESOMEAlso, the entire army comes in a custom, one-of-a-kind KR MulticaseAlso, the entire army is based on...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Jul 5, 2014
Quick gauge on interest - e-mail me (or post here) at mvbrandt@gmail.comCharity outdoor barbecue tournament redux on July 19, same location as last year.For those who are new followers, we hosted a NOVA prep tourney with an Invitational ticket attached, raising money...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Jul 2, 2014
So some really cool news, first off:If you go here -'ll find you can pre-purchase Frontline Gaming Mega Mats for pick-up at the NOVA Open.These are for pre-purchase only; we won't offer any for sale at the show proper. The...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Jun 29, 2014
So still pondering a restricted Lords of War allowance, as I think GW is going to continue to push them on us regardless (i.e., nerfing Ghazkull yet still making him a Lord of War).I hope it is something we can all understand is meant to push Lords of War, but they...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Jun 23, 2014
This should be a somewhat shorter post than normal.So Maelstrom Missions add a couple of things to the game that are generally good, but they execute it in a way that is generally not so hot, at least in this gamer's opinion (after all, this IS a blog!).Progressive /...