AdeptiTeam, AdeptiSingles, AdeptiCon!

Well, it's AdeptiCon week ... one of the more enjoyable hobby times of the year.I'm playing in the Singles for the first time in a while, but rather half-heartedly ... haven't had time to really build out an army I want, and don't feel comfortable forcing opponents...

NOVA Countdown Updated! Skytide Tau

Special thanks to Austin Sincock, of playing Thunderstorm SM lists, I've been fiddling w/ a Tau baseline of 3 Skyrays (stock), and 3 Riptides (heavy burst cannon, twin fusion blaster though leaning back toward SMS, and...

Why or Why Not Forgeworld?

So the "major" GT scene is split this year on the issue of Forgeworld. Events like NOVA, 11th Co, BFS, AdeptiCon are going without it for their GT's ... events like BAO, WGC, FOB are going with it.The most important thing to lead off with is this:There is no correct...

NOVA Format Amendment – Warlord Traits

Just a quick note for those playtesting / preparnig / etc. -With the new Tau codex Warlord Table enabling re-rolls of certain results based upon what gear/abilities your Warlord has, we will probably revert the choice for Warlord Traits to the standard Rulebook...