by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Oct 1, 2012
So, I took some pink foam, a few terrain piece type bits that were lying around (And that happened to match what I used for the Zoanthrope hover-assists), and put together a display board.If I have time, I'll go have framing cut for the sides and back to better...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Oct 1, 2012
Because the initial inspiration came from Dendrobates Azureus (a species I used to keep and breed in my early 20's during the animal career phase), I'm going with either Hive Fleet Azureus, or Hive Fleet Dendrobates.I subsequently diverged from the theme pretty...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Sep 28, 2012 that the NOVA FAQ is designed to be printed on double-sided paper to conserve printing costs. It is kept trimmed to as small a # of pages as we can while still having it be a useful document,...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Sep 26, 2012
So,I've been asked privately about why I'm bringing the Nids and what I think of them.I think they're more match-up fragile than I typically am comfortable with. I think they're more powerful than the internet thinks they are. I think I won't win Best Overall or Best...
by Mike Brandt; mvbrandt@gmail | Sep 24, 2012
Discussing permutations and changes to the NOVA Quarters Goal has been a hot topic lately.I think there are a lot of overreactions going on based on limited data (we're working on that); most of the top table armies were NOT large foot-based armies, and most of the...