Deathwatch Codex Review: Part 6- Elites

Part 6 of my Deathwatch Codex review will look at the Elites section of the codex. This is an area which has seen a few new units added and some improvements to some existing units from the codex. ElitesPrimaris ApothecaryThe Deathwatch finally get access to an...

London 40k GT Shaming Player- Disgraceful

I really thought I was done with the London GT. Apologies to those who have no interest in this, normal blogging will resume tomorrow with my review of the Elites section of the new Deathwatch codex. Several hours ago, the London GT facebook page posted, publicly...

London 40k GT 2018 Review- Worst Tournament I’ve Attended

This past weekend, I attended the London 40k GT for the first time. Here is my review of the event, needless to say from the title, I did not think it went well!Since moving down to Oxfordshire, I have been fortunate to find a lot of local 40k tournaments to attend,...

Battle Report 148- Deathwatch vs Aeldari

Today's battle report is the first outing for my Deathwatch with the new codex, taking on Doug and his Aeldari force, a mixture of Eldar and Dark Eldar units. I was excited for the new Deathwatch codex. I really like the look of the army and was excited to see...

Dark Angels Army List Analysis- London GT

With the London 40k Grand Tournament coming up this weekend, I thought I'd take a look at the list I am taking and how the army has been performing in practice games so far. The list that I am taking is:Battalion Detachment, Dark Angels [1078 pts] +5 CPHQ1:...