Deathwatch Codex Review: Part 5- Fast Attack

Part 5 of my Deathwatch Codex review will take a look at the Fast Attack choices available to the army. Fast AttackBikers The Bike Squad got a nice points reduction from the index, going down to 29 pts each. That is only a couple of points over a normal...

Deathwatch Codex Review: Part 4- Troops

Today's section of the Codex Deathwatch review will look at the Troops section. I imagine most of the Deathwatch army will be comprised of Kill Teams, so there will be a lot to talk about in this section. TroopsDeathwatch Veterans/Kill TeamIn 7th edition, the...

Deathwatch Codex Review: Part 3- HQ Units

Part 3 of my Deathwatch codex review will take a look at the HQ options that are available to the Deathwatch army.HQ UnitsThe Deathwatch units are pretty much unchanged in choices, with the addition of some Primaris characters to the army. One of the big boosts in the...

Deathwatch Codex Review: Part 2- Stratagems

Welcome to part 2 of my Deathwatch Codex review. This part will take a look at the Stratagems now available for the Deathwatch army. StratagemsThe Deathwatch gain access to a number of the useful common stratagems available to the Space Marines, as well as some...

Codex Deathwatch- Video Review

Thought I'd try something new on the blog today. I made a video review for the new Deathwatch codex. Don't worry, I'll still be doing my written reviews for the codex, the first part of which published today. If you are interested, take a look at the videos and...