Better Know a Blogger: Part 51- Aura of Dark Majesty

Better Know a Blogger is back, this time with another first. This week's highlight features Jon from Aura of Dark Majesty. Jon has actually appeared on the series before with his blog, Kaptain Von. He contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know about his new...

Hobby Update 11/07/18- Deathwatch Watch Captain

Another hobby update this week, showing my Deathwatch Watch Captain. This one is a bit of a cheat, as I only had to paint up the Storm Shield and Thunder Hammer. I added them to one of my already painted Vanguard Veteran models to make a Captain for my tournament...

Hobby Update 10/07/18- Deathwatch Storm Bolter Veteran Squad

Today's Hobby Update features my new Deathwatch Veteran Squad, armed with Storm Bolters. This is a new option in the codex and a very powerful one at that. I went for a full unit of 10 to give me an amazing 40 shots when they arrive from the Teleportarium. I...

Hobby Update 06/07/18- Deathwatch Razorback

Today's hobby update features a Deathwatch Razorback with a Twin Lascannon. This adds some anti-tank firepower to my Deathwatch army, as well as a nice transport option for one of my Kill Teams. 

Battle Report 157- Deathwatch vs Ultramarines

This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch take on Tom's Ultramarines in a 2000 pts game. We were playing the Targets of Opportunity maelstrom of war mission. This is the mission with 3 cards per turn, and you only have a single turn in which to try and score the...