Hobby Update 04/07/18- Deathwatch Intercessors

It's been a bit quiet on the blog recently, but I have not been slacking off, I've been busy getting my Deathwatch painted up for the upcoming Warhammer World tournament this weekend. Today's hobby update features my Deathwatch Intercessor unit. The Primaris...

Warhammer World GT- Deathwatch/Astra Militrarum list

In July, I will be attending the Grand Tournament Heat at Warhammer World. This is my first time visiting Warhammer World, so I will be looking forward to the trip. I was hoping to actually get a ticket for one of the later heats so that I could practice with my army...

Battle Report 156- Deathwatch vs Thousand Sons

This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch army take on Ben's Thousands Sons in the Contact Lost maelstrom of war mission. Contact Lost is the mission where you get one card on turn 1, followed by a card for each objective you hold in the following turns, and...

Battle Report 155- Deathwatch vs T’au

This week's battle report sees my Deathwatch take on Dean's T'au in the Contact Lost maelstrom of war mission. I've been quite enjoying having my Deathwatch back on the table in 8th edition, thanks to the recently released codex giving them a new lease of life on...

London GT 2018- Dark Angels Tournament Army Review

As is customary after I attend a tournament, I take a look at my army to see what performed well in the list and what could be changed to improve the list in future games. As a reminder, my army consisted of:Battalion DetachmentAzrael (Az)Primaris Lieutenant-...